So every night Hailey and I have been reading scriptures and saying prayers together. Eric is away at school during this time and she is usually asleep before he comes home, but last night Hailey was up pretty late and Eric got to have family prayer with us. It was such a wonderful feeling to all be together saying our night time prayer. Hailey is so dang cute because she folds her arms and will keep them folded for the whole prayer. She is to the point now when I say " Hailey ready to go night night?" she will run over with her arms folded and blink her eyes a lot (trying to close them) she hasn't gotten the whole eyes closed part yet but she will say "ama" at the end of the prayer for "amen" I love hearing her little "ama". She also folds her arm when she is in her high chair for like a second before reaching for her food. I just can't believe how much she is learning everyday. Watching her discover our world and be excited about so many things brings us so much happiness. Love you Hailey!!!!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Things I can do All by myself (that mommy isn't ready for)
So the last couple of days I have caught Hailey doing things I didn't know she could do all on her own. The other day I was making dinner and Hailey was in our living room. I heard her make her ( I'm stuck) noise and thought "oh great what has she gotten into or onto today" well I was very surprised to see her like this half in half on her stroller so before helping her I laughed and had to grab the camera, by the time I got the picture I realized she was able to get even more into her stroller on her own and the next couple of pix show that she can get in it all by herself.
desitin anyone? |
I wore these same adorable overalls when I was Hailey's age. Thanks mom for saving some of my baby clothes. |
loves to feed herself |
I just love love love this picture of her |
Posted by Life is for Laughing 3 comments
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
We opened the envelope and It's a....
So on Valentine's Day 2009 Eric and I found out we were pregnant with Hailey. We weren't planning on opening the envelope, but on Valentine's Day morning this year I woke up really anxious and all I could think about was this little baby inside of me. Eric and I (for some reason) were just like 90% sure we were having a boy this time. Just a feeling I guess maybe mother intuition who knows, but Eric really felt it too. When we saw our ultra sound Eric said it is a boy because the baby was kicking like a boy :) I was just cracking up at this, he is so silly anyways Eric kept on teasing me like "oh what is this and pretending like he was going to peek in the envelope or something" so that wasn't helping me trying to ignore the little envelope anyways after a lot of going back and forth ( because we honestly had so much fun last time with Hailey being a surprise) we decided ( since we both really already new in our hearts that it's a boy) to just look at it and see what it would be like knowing this time around so we opened it and dundadadun.... IT'S A BOY !!!! WERE HAVING A BABY BOY THIS SUMMER!!!! HAILEY IS GOING TO HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER!!!! and we are just so so excited!!!! So we know this time. Not sure what we will do with the next ones, but I can't wait to go shopping :) And Eric has this huge everlasting grin on his face that he is having a son :) I know I am way excited, but you should just see how excited Eric is :) Hailey is his little girl and loves him to death and Eric is just the happiest thing when he is playing with her and cuddling her, but I know us having a boy is so exciting for him :)
Posted by Life is for Laughing 7 comments
Thursday, February 10, 2011
It's a....
So we had our 20 week ultra sound today and everything looks great. Our little baby moved a ton and would just kick and kick it's legs. It is so amazing to see life moving inside of you :) The Dr. said the baby is developing well and looks healthy and strong :) I just can't get over how exciting it is to be pregnant ok anyways....When I was pregnant with Hailey we didn't find out the sex until she was born and that was so fun to have a surprise!!!! We really enjoyed it. So for this time our plan was to have another surprise, but then I started going back and forth between knowing and not knowing well when Eric and I got to the Dr. I was still unsure...... Anyways it is definitely for sure we are having a ..... BABY :) so we didn't find out and we will be having another surprise except this time we had him send the results home in an envelope. Yep it is sitting right there on the table just wanting to be opened so until we change our minds (which may not happen because Eric really likes it being a surprise ) we will just have to wait until summer.... so until then we love you little baby and anxiously await for your arrival :)
Posted by Life is for Laughing 2 comments
Friday, February 4, 2011
Playing Tag with Chip n' Dale and Hugging Goofy
Posted by Life is for Laughing 1 comments