Right now Hailey's favorite toy is her moose. She loves to feel the softness and put his ears in her mouth and hang onto the little rings and its' feet. She is so proud of herself when she can grab onto something and shake it around. When I show her her moose and bring it close to her she gets so excited and usually does this little squeal and holds her arms out to the side and shakes them around. I am showing her her toy moose in the picture of her in the pink dress and she is so excited :)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
14 weeks :)
Posted by Life is for Laughing 4 comments
Hailey's new toy is so much fun :)
I've been waiting for her to be big enough to try this one :) she is still kind of too small for it though she just kind of sits there not really sure what to do with it, but we have fun swinging her and spinning her around in it. Maybe next month or so she will bounce in it and stuff :) It is really a cool little jumper :)
Posted by Life is for Laughing 2 comments
Our lake front property :)
We had a lot of fun in the rain :) water was coming up onto our front lawn in waves as cars drove by :) and I stood in the middle of our street with water over half way up my calves. I told Eric he better take a jet-ski to school instead of his truck :-P
Posted by Life is for Laughing 3 comments
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
one little duck went out to play....
1. Hailey loves to take a bath!
2. Hailey and her ducky waving "hi"3. Hailey telling her ducky a story
4. Hailey's ducky telling her a story back :)
5. All Done in her soft bunny towel....she loves to pretend to be the bunny rabbit after her bath because I hop her around and she thinks it is very fun and giggles a lot :)
Posted by Life is for Laughing 2 comments
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
....Headband trouble....
I haven't laughed this much in a long time.... so for Christmas Hailey got lots of pretty headbands and bows, well today I put one on her when we went to the doctors. She was so pretty in her pink, but I don't think she wanted to wear her headband because she grabbed hold of it along with her ear and started to pull. The poor girl was starting to cry because her ear was being pulled, but she didn't realize it was her pulling her own ear. I finally got her ear free from her very tight grasp and repositioned the headband. Then when I went to give the receptionist the paperwork I looked down and Hailey had pulled her headband completely off and was waving her arm around like crazy with it, so excited, like she had achieved a great accomplishment, so we left the headband off for the rest of the doctor visit and put it back on in the car so she could look lovely for her play date with her cousin Lacey. Well she fell asleep in the carseat so when we got to my aunts we just let her stay asleep in it while we ate lunch. Once we were finished eating my cousin walked over to check on the girls and this is how we found Hailey.... I just couldn't stop laughing :) It was like she was using her headband as one of those sleeping eye mask things. It was just so funny to find her like that.
Posted by Life is for Laughing 3 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy 3 years together
Today Eric and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary!!!! They have been a very happy 3 years full of lots of joy and laughs!!!! I am so thankful for our temple marriage and our wonderful little family!!!! I am so blessed. He is a wonderful husband and great daddy. What an awesome life we have together :)
Posted by Life is for Laughing 2 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
**Christmas, Blessing, and New Years**
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and great New Year!!!! It was so exciting to watch Hailey on her first Christmas and be together with family. On Saturday, December 26th we had Hailey blessed in our home. It was such a special day because a lot of our family was able to participate in her blessing. It was a neat experience to have such a strong spirit of love and family fill our home!!!! Here are some pictures of Hailey in the first of her 3 white dresses :) There is also a picture of her in her pretty pink tutu that Grandma gave her, one of Uncle Dustin, Hailey, and me on her blessing day, one of Great-Grandpa holding his two great-grandaughters, her first piggy back ride given by daddy, Hailey and Grandpa inside the Downey Rose Float....My dad drives the Rose Float in the New Years Day parade, it is so exciting to watch and help decorate the float and then see it on t.v. My dad loves it :), and one picture of her with a huge pretty grin while I was reading her a story :) Hailey loves being read too. Her eyes get so big each time I turn the page. She is just growing so fast. She smiles, laughs, and "talks" all the time. She is so much fun and tries to interact with anyone who talks to her. We just love our little girl to pieces!!!!
Posted by Life is for Laughing 3 comments