Saturday, October 31, 2009

Pumpkin Girl

Happy Halloween!!!! We hope everyone has a happy haunting!!!!
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Friday, October 23, 2009

****Hailey Nicole****

On October 18th (Heather's birthday) she had an extra special surprise, here water broke at about 10:20p.m. So she and Eric went to the hospital. Heather thought she would try to labor without an epiderel....big mistake....after 7 and a half hours she got the epiderel and things felt much better for about 3 hours until the epideral boost button, that you push when you begin to feel pain again, quit working. So the contractions were very painful until the anisthesiologist came in to give her a direct dose again. Well all in all after about 18 hours of labor and only 4 cm dialated they decided to do a c-section. Hailey was turned down how she should be, but laying on her side instead of looking downwards so she was going more like at an angle instead of straight so it was hindering the progression. Anyways, We are just so happy she is here and is healthy and very strong. Being parents brings more joy than anything else in the whole universe. We love our Hailey so much and feel so blessed to have her!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's a beautiful baby girl!!!!

Here she is....Hailey Nicole Buffington born on October 19, 2009 at 7:07 p.m. 8 pounds 13 ounces 21 inches long with big deep blue eyes and a head of hair!!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Tick Tick Tick....

Well no baby news yet.... my next doctors appointment is on Monday the 19th, and if he or she has not arrived yet, then we set up a date to induce. Maybe it will come on the 18th (my birthday). Who knows, we are definitely ready and waiting.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby is almost here....

6 more days until our baby is due :) We are so excited!!!! I wonder if it will be early, late, or right on time????

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy October Everyone!!!!