Friday, August 14, 2009

* 8 months pregnant *


Chiemi said...

Oh my gosh, you are so cute! You make pregnancy look good!

Garrett and Leslie said...

Look how cute you are!! We still need to get together! I miss you!

Kellie said...

WHAT?! Why am I twice your size?! hahaha You look AMAZING!!

The Dwelley's said...

You don't even look that bigand your almost done. Watch out though cause the last few weeks is when you get bigger. Thats when the baby starts putting on the fat :)

Jones Family said...

I can't believe you are already 8 MONTHS!! Crazy! Are you guys ready? Do you have the baby's room finished?

Michelle said...


Jarom & Crystal said...

You look amazing!!! You do not look 8 months pregnant!! How are you feeling? Are you ready for the baby? I'm so excited for you guys!!